Mongodb backup and restore | How to take backup and restore mongoDB database Linux 18.04
So, let’s start the article for How to take backup and restore mongoDB database Linux 18.04.
– Ubuntu 18.04 with SSH access.
– Mongodb pre-install in Ubuntu 18.04.
NOTE: I’m not responsible for anytype of data losses. Try backup at secure place before restore database.
You can find article here how to install MongoDB to Linux Ubuntu 18.04.
Now we are going to create folder for backup.
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/mongodb/backup
Now take backup of exiting mongoDB database.
sudo mongodump --db [databasename] --out /var/www/html/mongodb/backup/`date +"%m-%d-%y"`
at /var/www/html/backup a folder created with current date.
Now getting database backup from remote server.
mongodump --host [YOUR_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS] --port 27017 --username [DB_USERNAME] --password [DB_PASSWORD] --authenticationDatabase admin --db mydb --out /var/www/html/mongodb/backup
Now restore Mongodb database.
remember one thing if you are going to upload/store with same database name then its replace and upload newone. ( old one will be dropped. )
sudo mongorestore --db [databasename] --drop /var/www/html/mongodb/backup/03-16-20/databasename
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